Nick DEVLIN | Floating in Space | 02 - 25 November 2023
Nick Devlin | Floating in Space | All Installation Photos Andrew Curtis
Random Rules/Pissing in a River, 2023 acrylic polymer paint on linen 168 x 238 cm I Didn’t Think I Knew What I Thought I Knew, 2023 acrylic polymer paint on linen 60 x 80 cm each 60x 240cm together
Free, 2023 acrylic polymer paint on linen 168 x 238 cm
Floating in Space | Installation view
Floating in Space | Installation view
I Didn’t Think I Knew What I Thought I Knew, 2023 | acrylic polymer paint on linen | 60 x 80 cm each 60x 240cm together
Gone, Gone again, Lost in Space, Spiral/Staircase & Double Positive, 2023 Ink and oil-based pencil on Stonehenge rag paper | 55.9 x 76.2cm (paper size) each
The Horizon Just Laughed, 2023 acrylic polymer paint on linen 168 x 238 cm